The Fourteenth Satire of Juvenal Imitated

Thomas Nevile,

The Fourteenth Satire of Juvenal Imitated

London: Printed for John Woodyer in Cambridge 1769

A scarce and wonderful example of an Eighteenth Century Classical Imitation. The 1769 First Edition of The Fourteenth Satire of Juvenal, Imitated By Thomas Nevile. In Very Good Condition. Disbound, With Generally Clean, Amply Margined Leaves. Complete in All Respects.


A scarce and wonderful example of an Eighteenth Century Classical Imitation. The 1769 First Edition of The Fourteenth Satire of Juvenal, Imitated By Thomas Nevile. In Very Good Condition. Disbound, With Generally Clean, Amply Margined Leaves. Complete in All Respects.

A scarce and wonderful example of an Eighteenth Century Classical Imitation. The 1769 First Edition of The Fourteenth Satire of Juvenal, Imitated By Thomas Nevile. In Very Good Condition. Disbound, With Generally Clean, Amply Margined Leaves. Complete in All Respects.

The volume(s) measure about cm. by cm. by cm.

Each leaf measures about 240 mm. by 195 mm.

The full title reads as follows:

“The Fourteenth Satire of Juvenal Imitated By Thomas Nevile, A.M. Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge. London: Printed for John Woodyer in Cambridge; and Sold by J. Beecroft in Pater-Noster-Row, T. Payne in Castle-Street, and H. Hingeston Without Temple Bar. MDCCLXIX [1769]”

The volume is paginated as follows: [ii], [1]-17, [1]. The volume collates as follows: [A]1, B4, C5.

The Volume is in Very Good Condition. Dis-bound, with generally clean, amply margined leaves, and with some mild marginal toning, and little else in the way of stains or tears. Please Take The Time Necessary To Review The Photographs On Our Website In Order To Gain The Fullest Possible Understanding Of The Content And Condition Of This Volume. The Volume is Complete.

Thomas Nevile was active from 1756 – 1774 producing a number of classical imitations including “The Eighteenth Epistle of the first book of Horace imitated”, 1756, “The Georgics of Virgil” 1767, and “The Fourteenth Satire of Juvenal Imitated”, 1769.


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