A Letter to a Friend in the Country: being a Vindication of the Parliaments whole proceedings this last session. With the State of the Plot, and manner of its discovery.

J. P.,

A Letter to a Friend in the Country: being a Vindication of the Parliaments whole proceedings this last session. With the State of the Plot, and manner of its discovery.

[London, 1679]

Availability: Sold


A letter supporting Parliaments actions concerning the Popish Plot.

The volume(s) measure about cm. by cm. by cm.

Each leaf measures about 300 mm. by 190 mm.

The full title reads:

A Letter to a Friend in the Country: being a Vindication of the Parliaments whole proceedings this last session. With the State of the Plot, and Manner of its Discovery. [London, 1679]

The volume is paginated as follows: 4 p.

The volume collates as follows: A².

J.P. was active in the 17th century. Identity remains unknown.

ESTC: R30077   Wing P55

Single sheet in fine condition with little in the way of stains or marks.


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