At the Court at Whitehall, December the Nineteenth 1679.; ‘…no Papists, or Suspected Papists may be harboured,…’

Charles II, Orders in Council.,

At the Court at Whitehall, December the Nineteenth 1679.; ‘…no Papists, or Suspected Papists may be harboured,…’

London: printed by John Bill, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, printers to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1679.

Availability: Sold


Issued at the height of hysteria surrounding the Popish Plot.

The volume(s) measure about cm. by cm. by cm.

Each leaf measures about 360 mm. by 288 mm.

The Broadside reads:

At the Court at Whitehall, December the Nineteenth 1679. Present, the Kings most Excellent Majesty, His Highness Prince Rupert… Mr. Seymour. [plus 17 other names]

His Majesty being willing, by all means, to provide that no Papists, or suspected Papists may be harboured, or thought to receive Protection in any of his Majesties houses, is hereby pleased to Declare in Council, that a Reward of Ten pounds shall be paid unto any person who shall discover unto the Officers of his Majesties Board of Greencloth, any such Papist, or suspected Papist, who are or shall be in any of his said houses contrary to Law. As also that the Officer by whose permission or privity they are harboured, shall be turned out of his place.

London: printed by John Bill, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, printers to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1679.

1 sheet [1] p.  Wing E803

Largely uncut, removed from a volume. Center fold. Faint stain in upper right corner. The paper remains supple with some toning to the edges. Small tears.

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