An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding, in Four Books. Written by John Locke, Gent. The Third Edition.

John Locke,

An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding, in Four Books. Written by John Locke, Gent. The Third Edition.

London: Printed for Awnsham and John Churchil, at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, and Samuel Manship, at the Ship in Cornhill, near the Royal Exchange, 1695.

Availability: Sold


Locke’s famous essay, here in the affordable Third Edition:

The volume(s) measure about 33 cm. by 21 cm. by 4 cm.

Each leaf measures about 320 mm. by 200 mm.

An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding, in Four Books. Written by John Locke, Gent. The Third Edition. London: Printed for Awnsham and John Churchil, at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, and Samuel Manship, at the Ship in Cornhill, near the Royal Exchange, 1695.

The volume is paginated as follows: [40], 407, [13] p.

The volume collates:  pi2,  b6, a-c4 B-3F4 3G-3I2

Third Edition. Complete, with the portrait of Locke.

Bound in full contemporary blind panelled calf, re-backed preserving original spine & worn morocco title label, lower outer board corners worn and showing. engraved portrait frontispiece with vertical closed tear to upper margin (just encroaching into printed background), short closed tear at head of title and following leaf, without front pastedown and rear endpaper, rear board with ownership inscription ‘E Libris Iohannis Isaac E Coll: Mag. Oxon: A.M.’

Per Wikipedia:  An Essay Concerning Human Understanding is a work by John Locke concerning the foundation of human knowledge and understanding. It first appeared in 1689 (although dated 1690) with the printed title An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding. He describes the mind at birth as a blank slate (tabula rasa, although he did not use those actual words) filled later through experience. The essay was one of the principal sources of empiricism in modern philosophy, and influenced many enlightenment philosophers, such as David Hume and George Berkeley.


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