A Speech lately made by a Noble Peer of the Realm.

1st Earl of Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper,

A Speech lately made by a Noble Peer of the Realm.

London : Printed for F.S. at the Elephant and Castle near the Royal Exchange in Cornhil, 1681.

“In this great debate concerning the King’s speech, the sad state and condition we are in, and the remedies thereof;” Shaftesbury’s famous speech, delivered 23 Dec. 1680 on the exclusion of the future King James II from the throne. Here in a First Edition set, issued simultaneously.  Wing S9201 and Wing S9202 Variant Issue.


“In this great debate concerning the King’s speech, the sad state and condition we are in, and the remedies thereof;” Shaftesbury’s famous speech, delivered 23 Dec. 1680 on the exclusion of the future King James II from the throne. Here in a First Edition set, issued simultaneously.  Wing S9201 and Wing S9202 Variant Issue.

“In this great debate concerning the King’s speech, the sad state and condition we are in, and the remedies thereof;”

Shaftesbury’s famous speech, delivered 23 Dec. 1680 on the exclusion of the future King James II from the throne. Here in a First Edition set, issued simultaneously.  Wing S9201 and Wing S9202 Variant Issue.

The volume(s) measure about cm. by cm. by cm.

Each leaf measures about 270 mm. by 180 mm.

The full title for both volumes reads:

A Speech lately made by a Noble Peer of the Realm. London : Printed for F.S. at the Elephant and Castle near the Royal Exchange in Cornhil, 1681.

Pamphlet Version: Wing S9201 ESTC: R233457

The volume is paginated as follows: 7, [1] p.

Signatures: A² [dagger]². Ornamental headpiece.

Each leaf measures 270 x 180 mm.

Broadside Version: Wing S9202 Variant Issue. ESTC: R14732

1 sheet ([2] p.); This edition has salutation ’My Lord,’

Variant issue: on verso, the last line of 1st column has ’au address’, i.e. the ’n’ of ’an’ is inverted and the ’ss’ of ’address’ includes a lower-case Greek beta.

The broadside measures: 280 x 183 mm.

The pamphlet is bound in blue-grey later paper wraps. In Very good Condition, with generally clean, well margined leaves, some mild general toning, as well as some creases and fox marks.

The broadside has been removed from a bound volume and trimmed at the side to fit. The imprint is shaved.

Please take the time necessary to review the photos On Our Website in order to gain a better understanding of the content and condition of the volume.

Anthony Ashley Cooper

Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury PC (22 July 1621 – 21 January 1683), known as Anthony Ashley Cooper from 1621 to 1630, as Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper, 2nd Baronet from 1630 to 1661, and as The Lord Ashley from 1661 to 1672, was a prominent English politician during the Interregnum and the reign of King Charles II. A founder of the Whig party, he was also the patron of John Locke.

On 23 December 1680, Shaftesbury gave a fiery pro-Exclusion speech in the Lords (A Speech lately made…), in the course of which he attacked the Duke of York, expressed mistrust of Charles II, and urged the parliament to not approve any taxes until “the King shall satisfie the People, that what we give is not to make us Slaves and Papists.

In 1681, during the Tory reaction following the failure of the Exclusion Bill, Shaftesbury was arrested for high treason, a prosecution dropped several months later. In 1682, after the Tories had gained the ability to pack London juries with their supporters,[3] Shaftesbury, fearing re-arrest and trial, fled abroad, arrived in Amsterdam, fell ill and soon died, in January 1683.


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